We have completed installing two security huts at the Medawachchiya check-point with prominent LOLC branding in Tamil and Sinhala. This check-point is quite significant as it has a large amount of vehicular traffic passing through on any given day and all traffic to entering the Northern Province go past this point. Furthermore, all vehicles usually spend a few minutes here as they have to verify their identity. Hence, the visuals on the checkpoints will get more attention. We have put up advertisements for NRFC and Tractor Leasing, as we see these two products to have greater potential. We hope that this will be an excellent opportunity to build/increase awareness of the LOLC Brand amongst the people in the Northern Province who cross the check point every day. Especially with the rapid development expected to take place in these areas, it will be very useful to get the LOLC brand established as a Total Financial Solutions Provider in the minds of the people.